Exotic Brazilian Wood Products

ANPM –National Association of Producers of Wood Floors – develops activities that provide quality to, greater appreciation and incentives for the use of wooden floors. Visit the site – www.anpm.org.br – to access the schedule of courses and technical reports for floor manufacturing companies, installers, suppliers of raw materials, equipment manufacturers and clients, in addition to the schedule of events of interest to those in this industry.

IBAMA - On the home-page of the Brazilian Environment Agency (Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis - IBAMA) you can read more about the legislation that regulates forestry and sustainable forestry management in Brazil, and check how the work we do at FOREX complies with all legal requirements. (Portuguese)

NATIONAL WOOD FLOORING ASSOCIATION - FOREX is a member of the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA), a US-based non-profit organization that represents all segments of the wood flooring industry. (English)

ASSOCIATION TECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE DES BOIS TROPICAUX - Created in 1951, the Association Technique Internationale Des Bois Tropicaux (ATIBT) has played an important role in organizing the tropical hardwoods trade after WWII. One of its current priorities is the sustainable tropical forestry management. ATIBT is a non-governmental, non-political organization with over 200 affiliates in 33 countries that produce and/or consume tropical hardwoods. (French)

NATIONAL HARDWOOD LUMBER ASSOCIATION - Here you can learn about the grading norms used by FOREX in its hardwood production. The National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) is a non-profit organization created in 1898 in the USA, in order to create an uniform grading system for the measurement and inspection of hardwoods. This system is used worldwide (English)

OXFORD FORESTRY INSTITUTE - The Oxford Forestry Institute (OFI) at Oxford University is the world’s leading university in forestry studies, with activities in education, training, research, information and counseling services. Through its association with CAB International and the Plant Sciences Library at Oxford University (the largest library and database in this field), OFI has developed the world's most important literature and information center for forestry research. (English)